Tuesday, October 25, 2011


School is under way for both kids and in fact, Lilee just got her first report card for 1st grade. She did wonderful. 3 A's and 1 A+. She is also doing AL (above level) on most everything else that doesn't get a letter grade. There are a few OL (on level) items, but for the most part she is pretty darn smart. Connor is also doing well in Preschool. He has days when he needs to settle down a little and pay attention, but as far as knowing his stuff, he is doing well. The teacher said the other day that she thought he had forgotten a lot of the stuff from last year because he rarely answers the questions in class and doesn't really follow along much during class. But when she tested him he knew everything. She thinks he might be bored and that is partially why he sometimes acts out in class.

Rylan had his 6 mo well child check yesterday. He is doing very well. He is 17 lbs. He hasn't grown in length since his last visit. The doctor is not concerned yet. He wants to see him again at 9 mo and recheck the length. If he still hasn't grown longer at that point he will order some tests. But as of right now, he is chalking it up to human error on the measurements. Otherwise, Rylan is right on track. He is a healthy, happy baby. He holds his own bottle and loves to eat, play and giggle. Now if we could just get the kid to sleep during the night. That would be great!.
We have some little stars here in the Stetzel household. Lilee was selected to play Zu Zu Bailey in Triton High School's play "It's A Wonderful Life". She is beginning practices this week. She is really looking forward to it. She is also playing the part of Mary in our Church's kids musical. This part comes with a duet with the boy playing Joseph, Braxton Wilcox. She is excited about this too.

Connor will have his preschool play and musical in December as well. He selected the part of the Inn Keeper. He is excited because his best friend Jaydon will be playing the part of Joseph and they will get to talk to each other during the play. Silly boys!

We are looking forward to the fall/winter. I just hope it is not as bad of a winter weather wise as they are predicting. We are thinking of making a trip to visit Aunt Kelly and Uncle Erin, plus getting to explore a new state come spring.