Nothing much happened in November that is worth blogging about except our Thanksgiving Extravaganza.
Thanksgiving came and went way too fast if you ask me. Kelly and family and Mark and family were here from Wed-Monday. I enjoyed having them here so much. I didn't want to see them leave, but I am sure they were all ready to get back home after living out of suit cases for that many days.
Dad and Mom took the kids on a hayride. They really enjoyed it. We took a couple pics of all the grandkids with Granny and Papa on the wagon.
The hi-lite of the weekend as far as I was concerned was "Chopped" season 1. Kelly, Mark and I had our own version of The Food Network's show "Chopped". We all brought secret ingredients for a particular course and then were the chef for a different course. We were given more time to think and prepare than they do on the actual show. We followed the basic concept of the show, but made our version our own. I was the chef for the appetizer round and my ingredients were pomegrante, red onion, frozen bread dough rolls and chicken leg quarters. I made a chicken salad with pomegrante vinigarette and home made croutons. Mark was the chef for the main course. His ingredients were tomato soup, oatmeal, egg plant and assorted pork chops. He marinated and grilled the pork chops. Then he breaded the egg plant in the oatmeal and made a mushroom sauce with the tomato soup. It was delicious! Kelly was the chef for the dessert round. Her ingredients were fresh pineapple, brie cheese, phillo dough and honey. She made bundles out of the phillo dough, pineapple, brie and honey. After baking them she drizzled them with a glaze and placed them on top of a melted chocolate. They were yummy! We video taped this event complete with commentary and lots of action footage. The video is totally awesome! I think this was a hit and you should stay tuned for "Chopped" season 2 next year.
Sunday, Kelly and my families went bowling along with Granny. We had a good time. The kids enjoyed it and it gave us something to do. If I am not mistaking, it was the Haven kids first real bowling experience.
December started off with our Lilee playing the part of Zu Zu Bailey in Triton High School's "It's A Wonderful Life". She did a terrific job. I went to all 3 performances and Jared went to 2. He took Connor skating during the Sunday performance so Connor could have some "Daddy time". Lilee enjoyed being in the play but was glad it was over. It was a long month and a half. She was gone long hours from the house and ready to have more time to do her own thing.
Connor had his Preschool Christmas program where he played the part of the Inn Keeper and then doubled as a Wise Man. He did a great job. Our Wednesday Kid's Night Christmas Musical turned out great. Lilee and Connor were both in it. It was called "Angel Alert". Lilee had a duet with Braxton, the boy who played Joseph. It was adorable. Connor sang and was also a sheep during the Nativity scene.
Our Christmas card this year came from my own creativity. Jared brought home some card board so that I could create Lilee's Christmas tree costume and Connor's Present costume. Rylan played the role of the snowman. Special thanks to Renee Baker for lending me the most adorable Snowman costume.
We spent Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa Stetzel's open house. Grandpa Stetzel was turning 85 and Grandpa and Grandma were celebrating their 63rd wedding anniversary. There were a lot of people there that I had never seen before. We did get to see some family that we don't see very often. I also got to meet a couple of old friends of Jared's from when he lived in Huntington.
Our Christmas Eve service at Church was very well attended. It hasn't been well attended for several years. It was nice to see so many people there. It was also nice to get together even for a short time with fellow Christians and worship God for sending his son Jesus to us to deliver us from our sins.
We finished Christmas Eve with Christmas at Jared's Mom's house. Everyone was there. We got to enjoy some snacks and open presents together. The kids got pj's or clothes and one toy. Jared got a sweatshirt and a pocket knife with a flashlight. We all know how he loves his flashlights. I received a yummy smelling candle and a gift card to Kohls. YAY!! Kohls, here I come!
Christmas 2011 started at 7:15. The kids came in to our room and were excited to open presents. Lilee told me that we needed to remember to read the Christmas story from the Bible before we could open presents. It was so wonderful to hear her say that. They are growing up so fast and it is so great that they are able to understand and treasure the real meaning of Christmas. The kids were very happy with their gifts. Lilee and Connor had mirror gifts. Each received a book, a movie, a DS game, a puzzle and a board type game along with stocking stuffers. Ry Ry got some new baby toys. He was adorable trying to tear open the presents. I think he more enjoyed trying to eat the paper than anything else.
We spent time at Church this morning. It was nice to have a Christmas service with our Church family. We had 101 people there this morning. We don't hit 100 very often. Much to Jordan and my surprise, we had a lot more than expected. I printed less bulletins than usual this weekend because we were doubtful that we would have a very good attendance. We were over-joyed that we had so many people sharing in the Birth of Christ.
The afternoon was spent with my parents. We had a wonderful meal of ham, sweet potato crunch casserole, cauliflower salad, green beans and biscuits. My Grandpa and Grandma Walter had dinner with us. We opened presents and enjoyed a nice afternoon chatting. The kids got some new clothes and fun activities like paints and paper dolls. Connor got a remote control car and Lilee got a new purse. Then as evening drew closer our new friends from church Jeff and Taylor Smith came over. It was nice to see them and share together. They have been attending church for about a year now and they have also joined our small group. We have enjoyed getting to know them. An added bonus is that they are both artists. I am so excited because Jeff said he would be happy to mentor Lilee in her art. We are going to work it out so that he can come to the house give her art lessons. I am so excited because I have been hoping to be able to nurture this talent of hers, but didn't quite know how or know anyone who could teach her.
2011 is coming to a close here in a couple days and I can't believe it. We will be celebrating the New Year with Jared's Brothers and Sister-in-law. As this year comes to a close I am grateful for all the wonderful things that happened this year. We had one exciting 2011. I look forward to 2012 and hope and pray that you all have a wonderful year end and bright beginning to the New Year.